Differentiated Sales Skills

Objective: To ensure the right sales people have precisely the right sales skills for the deals they need to be doing.

To compete in today’s complex sales environment, salespeople must go beyond ‘standard’ sales techniques and serve both their customers and their own organisations by differentiating their sales skills and how they sell. A confident salesperson who understands their product and knows their client’s business well has the opportunity to differentiate what they sell, not with lower prices or additional features, but with insights into the client’s business that genuinely increase the value of an offering to the customer.

Such offerings seldom require discounting by the customer and are difficult to replicate by the competition.

Sevenhill’s Differentiated Sales Skills programme helps high-performing salespeople win and keep more business by improving the customer’s buying and usage experience. Delegates learn how to add genuine value for their clients via insights into their business – resulting in a strengthened relationship that provides true differentiation from competitors.